week3-Extended Information_Internet Protocols
Internet Protocols
· Building blocks of a network architecture
· Each protocol object has two different interfaces
o service interface: operations on this protocol
o peer-to-peer interface: messages exchanged with peer
· Term “protocol” is overloaded
o specification of peer-to-peer interface
o module that implements this interface
The Design of IPv6

· The Internet could not have been so successful in the past years if IPv4 had contained any major flaw.
· IPv4 was a very good design, and IPv6 should indeed keep most of its characteristics.
· It could have been sufficient to simply increase the size of addresses and to keep everything else unchanged.
· However, 10 years of experience brought lessons.
· IPv6 is built on this additional knowledge. It is not a simple derivation of IPv4, but a definitive improvement.
Resource from: http://www.ee.nthu.edu.tw/english/eindex.html
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