Sunday, November 05, 2006

week6- Gorup 3 (What New Media Is Not)

What New Media Is Not from The Language of New Media by Lev Manovich

# Differences between new and old media:

1. New media is analog media converted to a digital representation.

2. All digital media share the same digital code.

(which means digital media allow different types of files to be displayed in the same computer)

3. New media allows for random access.

4. Digitization inevitably involves loss of information.

5. Digital media can be copied endlessly without degradation.

(especially in quality, like tape or VHS)

(the JEPG format, which is used to store still images, and MPEG, which is used to store digital video on DVD.)

6. New media is interactive.

(in this way the user becomes the co-author of the work)

# Take cinema into an instance.

# Old types of Animation

1. Thaumatrope (flash)

2. Flipbook (pic)

3. Phenakistoscope (pic)

4. Zoetrope (pic)

# The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

# Cubic Tragedy (Electronic Theater)

Ming-Yuan Chuan
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Computer Animation Festival's People's Choice Awards.

A polygonian girl tried to make herself prettier by using her new cosmetic tools (for polygon modeling of course), and by doing so accidentally ruined her own face. This tragedy may have inspired one of the world's most famous paintings.


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